Music Tech Europe Academy selects 10 startups

Music Tech Europe Academy selects 10 startups with the potential to solve some of the present challenges of the music sector.

Meet Music Tech Europe at SXSW 2024

We will discuss the launch of Music Tech Europe at Innovations Bridge Europe's MusicTech Day at SXSW 2024

Next Stage Challenge 2020

The Next Stage Challenge is a three-phase program, supporting innovative and sustainable projects to reshape the live music experience in the digital space.

Music Tech Europe discussed AI implications for music in Brussels

The conference explored how the European Union and its members support the music sector through policy steps, regulatory measures, funding, and dialogue facilitation.

The importance of building a music & tech ecosystem

With a stronger focus in building bridges and dialogue between music and technology sectors, Europe has an opportunity to place innovation in the music sector to the core of European competitive assets. A lively and successful European Music Tech ecosystem needs start-ups, investors, artists & venues. How can we bring the right European partners together in a network that can compete on an international level

Music Tech Pitch Sessions Sonar+d

Music Tech Europe brought together more than 100 attendees at the "Sonar+d Music Tech Pitch Session" and had the chance to witness presentations from 10 innovative startups that bridge the gap between technology and music.

Official Launch of Music Tech Europe

We are happy to announce the official Launch of Music Tech Europe, the umbrella association for European music technology innovation.

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Music Tech Europe

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